Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ever Say to Yourself ? . . .

                                                       Contributed by Kurt Schanaman

 "I should have started ______ when I was younger, now it may be too late to master it."? I've been doing just that recently, with getting back into music. But starting something when older has benefits. Such as...
Reasons for doing so can be more noble. A younger person may seek vanity and world renown, with selfish goals in mind such as fame, fortune, and prestige.
As an older person, one may be more interested in not only personal enjoyment, but in being a blessing to others. While being in one's 40s or older may be too late to make a new career out of some things for income, such a soul can bless and inspire others in ways wealth-centric people cannot.
Next, there is no reason to rush things. When younger, getting to the point of fame and fortune quickly is a typical goal. This can actually prevent a person from being all one can possibly be. Case in point... some of the wealthiest and/or Most famous people in the world have the highest incidence of unspoken loneliness, even while surrounded by thousands of people. Depression and sense of something missing happen, when you would think the opposite should be true.
The old saying, "Money cannot buy happiness" is an extremely accurate statement.
I ended up conversing with myself last night...
"You are going to be 50 in four years, and suddenly you decide you like violin so much that you want to learn it? With stiffening fingers, and possibly new joint pains coming up soon? Are you kidding yourself??"
But when I looked into my goals in getting a late start with violin, I realized that I am more interested in the enjoyment others might have in hearing music played more passionately than I would have when younger. I also have a love for my Creator and Messiah Yeshua that I never had when younger.
To play my best for THEM is a wonderful goal. As Scriptures say, we are to do all things in our lives to the best of our ability, as Though we are doing it for YHWH our Creator.
Considering that He gives us any abilities we have, a gratuitous heart filled with love and appreciation toward Him in all we do is to give Him a sacrifice that only He is worthy to receive.
In my case, violin will take far more hard work and time than it would have taken when younger, perhaps. It is a difficult instrument to learn even without age getting in the middle of things. But since YHWH is the One who sustains me, I will aim for His throne in my newfound endeavor.
And who knows... He may hand me the Most beautiful violin ever constructed once I find myself in my new body as a servant in Yeshua's kingdom!
When taking into account the concept of being a blessing to Him, as well as to one's fellow human being, the conclusion of the matter is clear...
It is NEVER too late to start anything, and to do it very well.
Even though the opportunities at wealth and fame may be fading into the distance behind you...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Some Interesting Parallels

                                                 I didn't write this, but felt led to share it.

Santa wears a blood-red suit and is invited into homes by the chimney through the fireplace, which is often left burning or with hot coals. (Hell fire)
Santa spies on you and knows everything about you...whether you’re” naughty or nice”. (Seeks to be omnipotent, omnipresent, like our Heavenly Father)
Santa has elves work for him.(Demonic, mythological creatures)
Santa travels through the air by flying, magic reindeer. (Prince of the air)
Santa is also known as St. Nick. (Ol’ Nick is also a name for the Devil)
Santa and Satan contain the same letters with only the letter “n” transposed. (The Truth shall set you free)
Santa has parents lie to their children about him, both making the parents dishonest and setting up their children to distrust their parents about other matters when they are older. (Father of lies)
Santa causes children to focus on material and candies. (Not spiritual matters. James it says ‘every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, not from Santa.)
Santa leaves gift offerings under Christmas trees often decorated with silver and gold. (Pagan practice specifically condemned in Jeremiah 10:3-4 ?)
Santa has parents often spend more than they can afford for presents and causes them to run up credit card debt. (The borrower is slave to the lender)
Santa leaves gifts under lighted Christmas trees that do not burn. (Mocking the burning bush that Moses encountered on Mt. Sinai)
Santa comes on the Eve of December 25. (Not the true birthdate of our Messiah...a pagan holy day celebrated both before and after His birth. Also, since the biblical day begins at Sundown, the Eve of December 24th is actually on the 25th)
Santa is portrayed as happy, jolly, nice, generous, and kindly...a great, misleading disguise.(Satan can come as an Angel of Light)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

From the Editor's Desk

A couple of comments from the editor regarding two of the videos in this week's edition.

First, "Little Drummer Boy" performed by the Pentatonix.  The song makes no reference to the time of year. Of course we know this particular scenario is not found in Scripture, but the song has a message.  As a Talents Coach and Life Encourager, this song has touched me since childhood, as a message to use our G-d given talents to honor our Creator and His Son, our Messiah.  The Little Drummer Boy did his best and his reward was a smile from Messiah.  Some may consider it a stretch, but I want to use all the talents our Creator has bestowed upon me for His glory, that one day I might see Messiah smile and say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

The second editorial comment is in reference to the video, "You are Enough."  I found myself quite torn as I watched.  This is not a theological piece, just a nice tribute to some very special ladies.  I wept in both sadness and joy.  Sadness for those of us who live feeling we are not enough, and joy for those who are blessed to hear and know they are enough for those they love.  And with this video, came the sweet tears of gratitude, to know, regardless of what others say or don't say, feel or don't feel, in Messiah . . . we are enough.

Also . . . Rascal Flatts, be blessed.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Words by NFL Pro Benjamin Watson

At some point while I was playing or preparing to play Monday Night Football, the news broke about the Ferguson Decision. After trying to figure out how I felt, I decided to write it down. Here are my thoughts:
I'M ANGRY because the stories of injustice that have been passed down for generations seem to be continuing before our very eyes.
I'M FRUSTRATED, because pop culture, music and movies glorify these types of police citizen altercations and promote an invincible attitude that continues to get young men killed in real life, away from safety movie sets and music studios.
I'M FEARFUL because in the back of my mind I know that although I'm a law abiding citizen I could still be looked upon as a "threat" to those who don't know me. So I will continue to have to go the extra mile to earn the benefit of the doubt.
I'M EMBARRASSED because the looting, violent protests, and law breaking only confirm, and in the minds of many, validate, the stereotypes and thus the inferior treatment.
I'M SAD, because another young life was lost from his family, the racial divide has widened, a community is in shambles, accusations, insensitivity hurt and hatred are boiling over, and we may never know the truth about what happened that day.
I'M SYMPATHETIC, because I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened. Maybe Darren Wilson acted within his rights and duty as an officer of the law and killed Michael Brown in self defense like any of us would in the circumstance. Now he has to fear the backlash against himself and his loved ones when he was only doing his job. What a horrible thing to endure. OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.
I'M OFFENDED, because of the insulting comments I've seen that are not only insensitive but dismissive to the painful experiences of others.
I'M CONFUSED, because I don't know why it's so hard to obey a policeman. You will not win!!! And I don't know why some policeman abuse their power. Power is a responsibility, not a weapon to brandish and lord over the populace.
I'M INTROSPECTIVE, because sometimes I want to take "our" side without looking at the facts in situations like these. Sometimes I feel like it's us against them. Sometimes I'm just as prejudiced as people I point fingers at. And that's not right. How can I look at white skin and make assumptions but not want assumptions made about me? That's not right.
I'M HOPELESS, because I've lived long enough to expect things like this to continue to happen. I'm not surprised and at some point my little children are going to inherit the weight of being a minority and all that it entails.
I'M HOPEFUL, because I know that while we still have race issues in America, we enjoy a much different normal than those of our parents and grandparents. I see it in my personal relationships with teammates, friends and mentors. And it's a beautiful thing.
I'M ENCOURAGED, because ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem. SIN is the reason we rebel against authority. SIN is the reason we abuse our authority. SIN is the reason we are racist, prejudiced and lie to cover for our own. SIN is the reason we riot, loot and burn. BUT I'M ENCOURAGED because God has provided a solution for sin through the his son Jesus and with it, a transformed heart and mind. One that's capable of looking past the outward and seeing what's truly important in every human being. The cure for the Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner tragedies is not education or exposure. It's the Gospel. So, finally, I'M ENCOURAGED because the Gospel gives mankind hope.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Writing is On The Wall

The name I found associated with this information is:  Prince N Nyazika

The protestant churches of the United States of America will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to clasp hands with spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country (USA) will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience. The dignitaries of church and state will unite to compel all classes to honor the Sunday sabbath. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet's words: "The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim, and have the testimony of Yahushua. (Revelation 12:17)

Sunday, November 16, 2014


The first article written for the Goshen Gazette was entitled, "Data Deluge."  In this age of information, many find themselves drowning in information overload, while others continue to choose only one source.  Those who choose a single source of information usually seem to already have their mind made up and are simply seeking confirmation to their own perspective.  Those of us who truly seek unbiased information, just the facts; continually find that there is much sorting to be done.

Earlier this week, I received a vision.  It was such an overwhelming vision, I began to literally sort through papers and folders in my office . . .  In my vision, I was in the middle of my office, sitting cross legged on the floor.  There were my three spiral notebooks, two small notepads, and a couple of mechanical pencils; all which I use regularly.  My head covering was large and draped around me, almost like a tallit.  Surrounding me with my notebooks, however; were stacks and piles and boxes of papers, books, folders, and magazines.  There were also loose papers scattered everywhere and old VHS tapes in the corner by the bookshelf that was completely full, beyond capacity.  Many of the boxes were stacked higher than my head and the only true clearing in the room was the small space directly in front of me where my personal notebooks sat on the floor.  The scene was so overwhelming, it literally triggered my claustrophobia.

I had only one piece of information about this situation.  Each of those papers, books, folders, and magazines contained a nugget of truth.  Some were delightfully direct and clearly obvious, while others went on for pages, before I found the nugget of truth.  Fortunately the "truths" were circled in red ink, but it still required sifting through each piece of information.  One book, particularly, stood out.  The title was circled on the front cover.  I went through every page of that book, to discover nothing more was circled.  Thankfully, the vision ended before I had gone through all the papers and books.

I'd like to say the vision came to a clear and concise conclusion, but it didn't.  I was led, however; to II Timothy 4 as soon as I arose from the vision.  The reminder that three different men of G-d in three different cities through the years, have called me out, laid hands on me and have all spoken the first few verses of this passage over me, poured over and rose up in me.  More than ever, I am determined to publish many sources of accurate information, while proclaiming the Word of Truth.  As I thought of the vision, and the first article for the Goshen Gazette, a memory troubled me.  The warning I tried to sound through the flood of 1993 went virtually unheeded.   These are serious times we are living in and the truth has to be simple and clear.  Messiah clearly stated in Matthew 24:29, he'd be returning immediately after the tribulation.  Headlines indicate the tribulation may be getting under way very soon!

I charge thee therefore before G-d, and the Lord Y'hshuah Messiah, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;  Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.   But watch thou in all things . . .

Sunday, October 26, 2014


The first three photographs are by our very own Gerry Davis.  Images from the northern Illinois area and possibly his last adventure.  The last three were taken in SWMO.  Hope all are enjoying the beauty of autumn.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Agenda

The agenda is gaining ground.  Anyone with any business savvy or loyalty would choose to do business, especially with individual, independent businesses they supported in their endeavor.  Except when it comes to the Gay Agenda.  They are targeting, clearly bullying and targeting businesses that would prefer to not have their business.  This blatant persecution is so transparent, it's repulsive, and yet . . . it continues to gain ground and momentum.

Here are a few examples, real or imagined . . . someone has thought of this and is promoting this anti-Biblical agenda!  When the agenda is so bullyish and forceful I feel compelled to link to "the blaze" and charisma, clearly the gay agenda is a force longing to be reckoned with. 

Setting the LGBT issue aside . . . Is it just me, or have others noticed the difference in party politics between city, state, and federal level.  It seems state governors do not share the same political views as those on a local level or a federal level.
Doesn't this keep the citizenry unstable?
And now it's time to put folks approaching their Golden Anniversary in jail!  Really???  Does the gay community really harbor this much animosity for others?  How nice that a group who claim to be bullied are targeting their victims to bully!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Subversive Programming

As more and more programming comes to light, so does the history of the subtle subversion.  The links included are in a reversed chronological order.

This week, a headline about education in Nebraska sent many into a tailspin.  The teachers in a Nebraska school district received the recommendation to no longer differentiate between the sexes, but rather use a gender inclusive term.  Apparently, it hasn't yet occurred to the anyone that boys are still boys and girls are still girls, regardless of the political agenda.  So, the recommendation was to refer to the children as purple penguins . . . This immediately brought a furrow to my brow and raised my investigative antennas.  The penguin connection was an line to track between point A and point B, and the thought of antennas brought home the purple connection.

And Tango Makes Three was published in 2005.  It's a book about a "couple" of male penguins.  The review found in Amazon is included below.

From School Library Journal

Starred Review. PreSchool-Grade 3-This tale based on a true story about a charming penguin family living in New York City's Central Park Zoo will capture the hearts of penguin lovers everywhere. Roy and Silo, two male penguins, are "a little bit different." They cuddle and share a nest like the other penguin couples, and when all the others start hatching eggs, they want to be parents, too. Determined and hopeful, they bring an egg-shaped rock back to their nest and proceed to start caring for it. They have little luck, until a watchful zookeeper decides they deserve a chance at having their own family and gives them an egg in need of nurturing. The dedicated and enthusiastic fathers do a great job of hatching their funny and adorable daughter, and the three can still be seen at the zoo today. Done in soft watercolors, the illustrations set the tone for this uplifting story, and readers will find it hard to resist the penguins' comical expressions. The well-designed pages perfectly marry words and pictures, allowing readers to savor each illustration. An author's note provides more information about Roy, Silo, Tango, and other chinstrap penguins. This joyful story about the meaning of family is a must for any library.-Julie Roach, Watertown Free Public Library, MA
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
It seems the public school system isn't planting the programming early enough, so there is day care and children's television.  I know, as a grandma, I was shocked to learn Bert and Ernie were gay.  I had no idea puppets, well . . . never mind.  Anyway, this purple adjective took me back to the days of Teletubbies and Dr. Jerry Falwell.  Sure enough, it was that purple teletubby that had a triangle top and carried a purse, but was referred to as "he."
Here is just a short description of Tinky Winky.
Tinky Winky (played by Dave Thompson, Mark Heenehan, and Simon Shelton) is the first Teletubby. He is the largest and oldest of the Teletubbies, is covered in purple terrycloth, and has a triangular antenna on his head. He is notable for the red bag he always carries.
The programme was also at the centre of a controversy when American televangelist and conservative pundit Jerry Falwell claimed in 1999 that Tinky Winky, one of the Teletubbies, was a homosexual role model for children. Falwell based this conclusion on the character's purple colour and triangular antenna; both the colour purple and the triangle are sometimes used as symbols of the Gay Pride movement.
A purple creature for 1-4 year olds that was either gay or at least genderly non-specific from 1997 to 2005.  And Tango Makes Three was published in 2005.  Now the suggestion to term school children as purple penguins for the specific reason of gender "inclusion" seems to be a very well connected and not so subtle subversive programming.  

Monday, October 6, 2014


It was brought to my attention that I had been unclear regarding the discussion of The Name of our Creator, and there was offense.  I'm sorry for the confusion.  When I said I would not debate the pronunciation or the spelling of the transliteration of The Name, I didn't mean everyone had to say it or spell the transliteration the way I do.  I meant exactly the opposite.  Most folks I've spoken with indicated they understood what I meant, but through this time of High Holy Days, especially, I do not want to cause offense.

YHWH is the English transliteration of the four Hebrew letters found in Exodus 3:15, where our Creator revealed His Name to Moses and said it was forever, for all generations.  Some folks use a U, some a V, where I have used a W.  Some use vowel points such as Yahweh or YaHoVaH.  The statement I made about not debating it, means; I do not try to change those who do not use the W or add vowel points.  It's an English transliteration!  We are all working in the best of our understanding and we understand the English transliteration is not specific.

So for those who took offense, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.  I do believe we are called to make His Name known, I simply do not have the exclusive on how it is to be pronounced or transliterated, nor do I know what Moses precisely heard that day.  I avoid arguing and debating over a pronunciation that none of us heard coming from that burning bush, because The Name is sacred.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Change Has Come

When Abba first gave this assignment/opportunity to me, I could see it, but could clearly see I wasn't sure how to get there.  As the Goshen Gazette continues to expand our coverage, enlarge our list of contributors, and increase our external links, we are gaining ground toward the goal.  The purpose of the Goshen Gazette is not only to sound the warning, as the end of days unfold, but also to offer the reason for the hope that is in those who follow Messiah.

Rather than rewrite articles or give a personal perspective on everything in the news, we are expanding our coverage by providing more external links.  We may not agree with everything at a particular site or even each other all the time, for that matter, but we strive to share information without the mainstream media filter or bias.  I refuse to assume every mainstream news report is factual while I also refuse to presume everything not covered by mainstream media is incorrect, or . . . a conspiracy theory.

In this time of information overload and the deluge of data, we continue to strive to share Scriptural truth in the midst of world chaos.  We'd like to take this time to invite any ardent writers and expressive artists who would like to share their G-d given talents to please, contact the editor.  We'd also like very much to expand our resources in regard to sustainable living and natural simplicity.  We are always looking for kosher recipes to share.

I will add this disclaimer now.  The Goshen Gazette is not endorsing every website in which a link is included, but when particular information is deemed pertinent or timely and seemingly inaccessible in mainstream resources, links will be included to the specific article.    We hope you enjoy our expanding news and information base.  Please, also keep in mind, we do not control the ads that appear on the various sites and blogs.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

For the Record

Realizing our history is now digital, the "facts" and advice can change in a moment's notice and the former "facts" forgotten . . . This particular page will host links from various sources on the information regarding Ebola and more health issues as they develop.  I cannot guarantee the links will remain active, but I will maintain the links and add to them, as the end of days continue to unfold.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

As In the Days of Noah

The end of days, Messiah said, would be as in the days of Noah.  He didn't say the days of Moses or Abraham.  He didn't refer to the days of Joshua or Samson.  Noah was instructed to prepare shelter and food.  No mention of weapons for the ark and it was Moses who received the manna.

As everyone is watching the Police State form and the media feeding the frenzy, not to mention political hating, etc.  I have a two point theory which is:  1. which I would say is clearly backed in Scripture, that the days before Messiah's return will contain all the evil the world has ever seen.  The second part addresses "except the very elect be deceived" includes looking at one big evil and embracing our self-defined social "goodness."

The war on terror that began so vaguely defined has now been streamlined into labeling many law abiding Americans as terrorists or extremists.  The Faith-based Initiative of the early part of this century is actually the foundation for this offensive "Co-Exist" Agenda as well as bringing the Protestants back under the power of the Vatican.

Anti-bigotry is politically correct hate speech.  It's socially acceptable to be prejudiced against someone you perceive to be prejudiced.  Tolerance is the biggest spew of hate speech I've heard.  While we're all rallying against abortion and homosexuality and terrorists, the nation here and I presume many others are still going to hell in a handbasket, so to speak.

Scripture says a prophet is not received in his own country and our enemy would be of our own household . . . it doesn't say, "Except in America!"  What if the Nephilim of our day are Big Corporations, they are people now you know . . . politically?  Seriously though what if the giants of our day are politicians, celebrities, rock stars, and sports icons?  There is even a television program entitled "American Idol."  I was shocked and abhorred.  I haven't seen the program, I've simply judged it by it's title.  A friend mentioned a shop near her called "Jezebel."

Las Vegas was formerly known as sin city and is now a family vacation spot . . . Branson grew and bills itself as family entertainment with most of the Las Vegas has beens performing . . .

While we worry about the increase of Muslims in our country, the laws of the Geneva convention guaranteed it would increase, as we are required to offer refuge to those who have become endangered by the shift in power, due to the war started.  I'd like to think we're the only ones being this stupid, but I'm thinking it's world wide.

The rainbow is the symbol of the covenant of our Creator that He will never again destroy the earth with a world wide flood.  I'm believing Messiah's reference to the days of Noah before his return not only indicate the signs of social decline, but that His return will literally save humanity from destroying the earth ourselves.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I am both emotional and encouraged every time I hear new "talent" sing "Hallelujah," composed by Leonard Cohen.  Included are a few links to various singers, amateurs, and worshipers.  I'm touched, every time I hear HalleluYah!   Leonard Cohen makes more than a few Biblical references in this song, but some adjectives stand out strongly to which, I think many can relate . . .  a broken HalleluYah, and a cold and lonely Hallelujah . . .

Regardless of the circumstances, our Creator truly does inhabit the praise of His people.  I'm thankful that Hallelujah is on the lips of so many!  I'd really like to hear the details of how this song came about.  His songs and poetry through the years have been quite varied and much of his earlier work,  a far cry from Hallelujah.  The song, "Hallelujah" truly seems to touch so many.  I wouldn't mind having Leonard Cohen's favorite scotch on hand, should he ever decide to take a few hours off the concert circuit and visit the unbeaten path to grant this journalist an interview.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Facts of Life

As a young teen when, I first became aware of "the mechanics of procreation," I didn't think I would ever hear anything more shocking than the act of human reproduction.  Well, forty some years later, human sexuality has become openly about everything but procreation and reproduction, and also become much more shocking . . .

When I read an article about a father being arrested for speaking out against a reading assignment for 9th graders, I was appalled on several levels.  First, when I read one of the pages, I realized I wasn't old enough to be reading that . . . Second, the fact that this bell cannot be "unrung."  The image depicted in the passage was clearly detailed.  It actually made me think of another article I read about Bill Clinton's early years . . . yet I digress.  I'll include the link below.  Our society is choosing to be divided sexually, but not by gender, or double standard, but now sex is divided along political lines.

As I watched the video of this protective father, I couldn't help but wonder what in the world was wrong with the other parents, as they just sat there, seemingly unfazed that a man was being arrested for speaking.  Then I considered the cop, and just felt sick.  He truly was "just following orders" . . . willingly.  The public school system really does seem to emulate Hitler youth camps, in the programming, and the cop couldn't have appeared any more "brown shirt."

It's come to America.  It took nearly 70 years to all go in place, but it's here.

As the video ended, more thoughts occurred to me.  If this father who was arrested, or any of those parents sitting there, would have introduced this book to their own children, would family protective services have been called?  What if one of those parents hosted a slumber party for their daughter and introduced that book to a room full of giggling young teens?  Surely they would have been arrested on some sort of smut or pornography charges to minors.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Death Penalty

Oklahoma made headlines Wednesday with a "botched" execution.  The convicted murderer is dead, but the procedure did not go as planned.  In "intravenous speak," his vein blew.  In reading more of the details, which truly sickened me, the reports seemed of all things, one more media circus.  It seems many of the European companies that once furnished the drugs, refuse to sell to American prisons.  Some states have found other sources, but refuse to divulge the identity of the companies.  Of course, that raises the whole transparency issue and inspiring the filing of motions, etc.  I'm really not sure how the attorneys are paid to file motion upon motion between an original conviction and the actual execution, but citing drug sources has become a new motion to be filed.

We need to really consider the Death Penalty from a Biblical perspective.  Torah is very specific in regard to the penalty of death.  Any death penalty outside of Torah observance was done by heathen nations.  Rome is a perfect example in Scripture of what is not done.  The man in Oklahoma committed an heinous crime and from what I've read, there were witnesses of sorts, so on two witnesses a person can be put to death, but . . . those involved in the execution must be Torah observant.

In all of this media frenzy, something kept coming to mind.  Dr. Jay Chapman is from Oklahoma.  He's the doctor that formulated this lethal injection procedure back in the 70's.  Most states that still have the death penalty use lethal injection as the form of execution.  When I was researching as I wrote "the Threshold of Technocracy" I came across an interview he'd given in 2007, thirty years after his death formula.

I'm at the point, I really don't care if I'm labeled paranoid or called a conspiracy theorist.  There are many posting concerns of guillotines reported to be in this country.  I haven't seen any verified photos, but then, we know we aren't being told or shown everything.  The first lady ordered the press to not accompany her recent trip to China, so clearly there are times when the media doesn't cover the news.   The doctor's last statement in the interview was chilling . . .

>>Instead, Rushford said he supports using carbon monoxide, which he described as being "simple, fast, and painless."

Chapman disagreed with that assessment. But he had another idea. "The simplest thing I know of is the guillotine. And I'm not at all opposed to bringing it back. The person's head is cut off and that's the end of it."
"The Powers that Be" implemented Dr. Chapman's last recommendation.

I did find a provision introduced in House Bill in Georgia, dating nearly 20 years ago.  It was read a second time.  There was no indication it was signed at that time, or since, but the idea of guillotines for the death penalty has been introduced . . .

Sunday, April 27, 2014

We Were Waiting

In this situation in Nevada, most of us knew it was only a matter of time, until some distraction was introduced.  Seriously, I expect more creativity out of progressives!   The race card, again?  I had no sooner finished the article in Contemplation, when I was fortunate enough to view a letter, a video, and an interview with one of Mr. Bundy's body guards.

When the BLM first invaded the Bundy ranch, I had to seriously search to find articles in mainstream media about the situation, but once the race card got played, it's all over mainstream!  I refuse to name call, and I was disgusted by the term "lamestream" media the first time I heard it, but it does seem clear in this coverage that mainstream media has a purpose other than reporting factual news.

I saw a meme that proudly stated animal cruelty is a felony in all 50 states.  What about a mass grave of cattle in Nevada?  What about running them to death or near death?  What about shooting prize bulls, just because they belong to a specific individual?  Isn't that animal cruelty?

The fact that this original incident divided the people the way it did, but not with enough emotion, troubles me.  I know I stated that concern in another article, but this bears repeating.  The unpaid land use tax is reportedly in dispute of over $800,000.00  One report says Mr. Bundy owes over 1M dollars, another reports $200,000.  My guess, since this is presented to divide us to the extreme, the actual amount is somewhere between the two figures that have been reported.  Once the amount is actually determined, an unpaid tax is handled with a lien, or as was first stated, the sale of some cattle at auction to pay it.  Dead cattle do not sell well at an auction.  The fact that BLM chose to go in with guns blazing is clear indication our land is not under good management.

Once the amount owed, if there actually is an amount owed; is determined, the assessed sale price of what would have been good livestock now dead, should be deducted from that bill, since that was the stated purpose for the invasion and rounding up of the cattle.  All of that is a ways down the road, now that it has been handled so ineptly.

The fact of the matter is, Cliven Bundy's views on race affect all of our lives much less than gay rights or the mandated affordable health care act.  The government is down to bluffing and bullying as they have tipped their hand by playing the race card.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Point in Being Lost in Partisan Politics

While opinions regarding the Bundy ranch are being determined by sheer political leaning, I believe a larger issue is being swept away unnoticed.  I am neither democrat nor republican, although I once was a registered democrat, but since my citizenship is in G-d's Kingdom, I no longer participate in the election process.  I used to participate on every level from local to primary to general, but I haven't voted since 2002.  I saw a lot I didn't want to see that year, and certainly do not want to have to revisit any of those lessons!  But this article isn't about my politics, it's about "we the people" becoming so politically divided, we are being conquered and we don't even see it.  Many folks in this country hold their politics right up with their religion or anti-religion.  Those who speak of "G-d and country" often mean it literally!  Many people take their "patriotism religiously!"  While those who speak against religion usually touting tolerance, are quite vocal in their intolerance of other's beliefs.

Politics is dividing us!  I have to check myself to not be offended by both sides of any argument.  What I once thought were free thinkers, all sound the same, and it all sounds like programmed sound bytes.  The citizens of America are being divided and conquered and the few people who are still trying to be self-sustaining or independent are being labelled extremists, dissidents, or terrorists.  The land is being claimed and stolen from the taxpayers just as it was from the Native Americans in the early history of this country.

In this section of the Goshen Gazette, I always include mainstream sources regarding a current issue.  This week's publication is not exactly covering the Bundy ranch, per se, but rather we are covering the coverage of what transpired.  For those who just make a list of right or left check marks, this information won't be of interest, but for those with eyes to see, this particular incident is clearly reported to play to presumptuous political bias.

Remember, there are people in this country, who adamantly insist that they receive their news from only one source.   Please, I would ask our readers to read and view the reports of this situation by both mainstream sources.  To watch and read past the political programming and see what it truly happening in our own country.  While the situation in Nevada was making headlines, ranches in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas were facing the same circumstances.  Also included in this section, is an independent article regarding the plans for the Conservation Center for the Desert Tortoise.  In reading that article, I couldn't help but wonder how much of the funding to bully the ranchers could have been better used to save the turtles.

The cattle ranches and herds are the lowest they've been since 1951 and beef is higher than it's ever been.  How will driving ranchers from their homes and land, and killing cattle really help Americans?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

BLM vs. Bundy

In following the situation in Nevada, it's clear that the BLM has not conceded.  As soon as I saw the headlines that BLM was leaving, it was obvious they would return.

As America continues to decline, we'll see much more of this.  Federal land is America's collateral in the world economy.  There aren't a lot of countries with land masses that exceed the US, while also having a great deal of moderate climate.  American land is prime, and federal land can be mortgaged by an indebted nation.

As a believer, I've given some serious thought to where I'll draw the line when it comes to rebellion and resistance.  I look to the book of Daniel for what I believe to be the proper recourse.  Those three Hebrew boys that were thrown in to the fiery furnace didn't resist the authority, they simply refused the mandate to bow down to an idol, and they faced the consequences of that decision.  Same with Daniel, he wouldn't pray to the king, and he wouldn't stop praying, so he found himself facing a den of hungry lions.  He, like the others walked out, unscathed.  I'd like to believe I'd stand as boldly and face the consequences of taking that stand, but I don't know for sure.  I'd also like to think if I did, I'd walk right on through the consequences, but not all of the servants of YHWH did survive the consequences of their bold stand.  YHWH's will be done.

Since Messiah admonished Peter for using violence, even to defend Him, I'm thinking armed resistance is not the Will of our Father for me, either.  I know "the powers that be" will use Romans 13:1-2 authoritatively, I've already heard that.  All I need to determine in this is where my faith stands with my Heavenly Father.  I don't believe I am to physically or violently resist the Sovereign earthly authority, but rather simply and boldly refuse to bow down.  On a side note, here, I'd much rather be "taken out quickly" as taken into captivity, but I don't think that's my decision to make, either.

I do know, even if I'm not planning to resist or rebel against the authorities, I do plan to protect this place from those without authority.  Anyone who claims to be on the side not of the New World Order best be getting the preparation done, and as for having heard, already, many have had visions of finding the supplies of others for their own use.  If I'm still standing, that won't be the case here, in the Land of Goshen.  I'll share according the visions I've been given and the Word I hear.

As the situation continues to unfold in Nevada, what we watch happen to Cliven Bundy is also taking place in other states, and will continue to take place throughout this country . . .        

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Food Supply

Here at the Goshen Gazette, we truly strive to bring accurate information without bias, and when there is bias, we acknowledge that and attempt to offer the counter view as well.  When it comes to the food supply, there are two facts that simply do not "spin away" or change with perspective.

  • Fact 1.  Our food supply is being altered with genetic engineering.  Genetic engineering permanently changes the DNA of the cell, so when corn is genetically altered, it is no longer "corn."  We can choose to call it corn, but when species are crossed, that is science far beyond hybridization.  When something completely foreign, such as bacterium is introduced into the DNA of a grain, that grain is permanently altered.  It is no longer the same entity.   

  • Fact 2.  Whomever or whatever controls the food will control the people.

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued a ruling that bans the patenting of naturally occurring genes but allows edited or artificially created DNA to be patented.

If it can be patented, it is not a naturally occurring gene.  When the genes have been altered, the created life has been changed.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bona fide Journalism

The Goshen Gazette is now in it's second year of publication.  We continue with the full intent of keeping our readers informed, rather than programmed or lulled.  We also strive for the distinction in being a-political in our presentation, or qualify our reports and articles with a statement of our own bias.  As editor of this publication, I am deeply honored to be associated with such great contributors and humbled by their gift of writing.

 In the realization that not only some elements of our government would like more power and control, but also that a great many of the citizens would actually like our government to enforce more control, I felt the need to buy a membership.  Let's face facts, as the government continues to expand it's power, AND it will; yet while the people cry to uphold the Constitution; the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence barely get a mention, anymore.  These are the documents, I hold dear.

Senator Feinstein's view of bona fide journalism

Although we do not plan to jump into mainstream media, I do represent Goshen Media, as a member of the US Press Association as well as the US Press Agency.  In protection and expression of the Bill of Rights, specifically the first amendment, as well as my ardor for the last line of the Declaration of Independence; I felt compelled to become a professional journalist.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

That last line of the Declaration of Independence is powerful!  It doesn't say my unalienable Rights come from the government.  My unalienable Rights are endowed by my Creator, and if blogging in my jammies after working in the garden and milking goats is my idea of life, and my chosen pursuit of happiness, then according to the Declaration of Independence, as an American, I can do that, regardless of opinions in Washington.  Now, in order to protect my subject matter, that first amendment is important.  Congress can't make any laws about my religion, or the expression thereof.

In this age of digital history, and cursive no longer being taught in the public school system; much could be rewritten or lost in just a couple of generations.

Thankfully, here in America, with the internet, there's a place to buy just about anything including government recognized credentials; especially government recognized credentials.  This is America!  A college drop-out has made it possible for high school drop-outs in their jammies with a five dollar website, to be international journalists.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


WARNING:  Contains sexually explicit content.  When the school district was approached by a father, the spokesperson acknowledged that the information on the poster could seem inappropriate "out of context."  I see nothing else around this poster in the photograph, so it was apparently viewed in the context of a "stand alone" poster.

I realize many people have different definitions of what is lewd and what is acceptable, but sex education for 13 year olds needs to be kept age appropriate, which really should not involve teaching about activities other than scientifically presenting "baby-making" intercourse, and should not be suggesting that!  Actually, sex education in the public schools should be contained to biology, which covers puberty, reproduction, and disease.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ariel Sharon 1928 - 2014

FIDF mourns the loss of the legendary soldier and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Ariel Sharon tied his destiny to the state of Israel. His courage led him through the ranks from a young commander who led the famous “101” unit, to the head of the Paratroopers and a decorated General, eventually becoming Israel's 11th Prime Minister. One of the IDF's most important pillars, he is famous for guiding the IDF from defeat to victory during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

He fought and won many battles, and sadly lost his final one today.

As an organization dedicated to the IDF soldiers, we appreciate his contribution to the defense of Israel and will remember him as one of the most well respected commanders of all time.
We salute him on his final journey. May he rest in peace.