Sunday, November 8, 2015


by Kimberly Murphy

I have to smile a little when people have said to me, " Are you sure you're not in some kind of cult?"
If by cult you mean being a part of thousands upon thousands of believers all over the world who sensed they were not getting the whole truth in their churches and began asking questions that were not getting honest biblical answers, then yes, I'm in a cult.
If by cult you mean people who broke out of their religious boxes, and whose eyes were opened to finally recognize that their Messiah and the disciples were not only Jews but also Torah observant even after Jesus died, and began to dig into the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith and begin to study and learn like the "early church" did in biblical times, and walk as the Savior walked then yes, lol... I'm in a cult. The "truth seeking" cult. And my leader? His name is Yahshua. (Jesus) wink emoticon
John 8:31-32
Then Yahshua (Jesus) said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in MY WORD, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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