Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ever Say to Yourself ? . . .

                                                       Contributed by Kurt Schanaman

 "I should have started ______ when I was younger, now it may be too late to master it."? I've been doing just that recently, with getting back into music. But starting something when older has benefits. Such as...
Reasons for doing so can be more noble. A younger person may seek vanity and world renown, with selfish goals in mind such as fame, fortune, and prestige.
As an older person, one may be more interested in not only personal enjoyment, but in being a blessing to others. While being in one's 40s or older may be too late to make a new career out of some things for income, such a soul can bless and inspire others in ways wealth-centric people cannot.
Next, there is no reason to rush things. When younger, getting to the point of fame and fortune quickly is a typical goal. This can actually prevent a person from being all one can possibly be. Case in point... some of the wealthiest and/or Most famous people in the world have the highest incidence of unspoken loneliness, even while surrounded by thousands of people. Depression and sense of something missing happen, when you would think the opposite should be true.
The old saying, "Money cannot buy happiness" is an extremely accurate statement.
I ended up conversing with myself last night...
"You are going to be 50 in four years, and suddenly you decide you like violin so much that you want to learn it? With stiffening fingers, and possibly new joint pains coming up soon? Are you kidding yourself??"
But when I looked into my goals in getting a late start with violin, I realized that I am more interested in the enjoyment others might have in hearing music played more passionately than I would have when younger. I also have a love for my Creator and Messiah Yeshua that I never had when younger.
To play my best for THEM is a wonderful goal. As Scriptures say, we are to do all things in our lives to the best of our ability, as Though we are doing it for YHWH our Creator.
Considering that He gives us any abilities we have, a gratuitous heart filled with love and appreciation toward Him in all we do is to give Him a sacrifice that only He is worthy to receive.
In my case, violin will take far more hard work and time than it would have taken when younger, perhaps. It is a difficult instrument to learn even without age getting in the middle of things. But since YHWH is the One who sustains me, I will aim for His throne in my newfound endeavor.
And who knows... He may hand me the Most beautiful violin ever constructed once I find myself in my new body as a servant in Yeshua's kingdom!
When taking into account the concept of being a blessing to Him, as well as to one's fellow human being, the conclusion of the matter is clear...
It is NEVER too late to start anything, and to do it very well.
Even though the opportunities at wealth and fame may be fading into the distance behind you...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Some Interesting Parallels

                                                 I didn't write this, but felt led to share it.

Santa wears a blood-red suit and is invited into homes by the chimney through the fireplace, which is often left burning or with hot coals. (Hell fire)
Santa spies on you and knows everything about you...whether you’re” naughty or nice”. (Seeks to be omnipotent, omnipresent, like our Heavenly Father)
Santa has elves work for him.(Demonic, mythological creatures)
Santa travels through the air by flying, magic reindeer. (Prince of the air)
Santa is also known as St. Nick. (Ol’ Nick is also a name for the Devil)
Santa and Satan contain the same letters with only the letter “n” transposed. (The Truth shall set you free)
Santa has parents lie to their children about him, both making the parents dishonest and setting up their children to distrust their parents about other matters when they are older. (Father of lies)
Santa causes children to focus on material and candies. (Not spiritual matters. James it says ‘every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, not from Santa.)
Santa leaves gift offerings under Christmas trees often decorated with silver and gold. (Pagan practice specifically condemned in Jeremiah 10:3-4 ?)
Santa has parents often spend more than they can afford for presents and causes them to run up credit card debt. (The borrower is slave to the lender)
Santa leaves gifts under lighted Christmas trees that do not burn. (Mocking the burning bush that Moses encountered on Mt. Sinai)
Santa comes on the Eve of December 25. (Not the true birthdate of our Messiah...a pagan holy day celebrated both before and after His birth. Also, since the biblical day begins at Sundown, the Eve of December 24th is actually on the 25th)
Santa is portrayed as happy, jolly, nice, generous, and kindly...a great, misleading disguise.(Satan can come as an Angel of Light)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

From the Editor's Desk

A couple of comments from the editor regarding two of the videos in this week's edition.

First, "Little Drummer Boy" performed by the Pentatonix.  The song makes no reference to the time of year. Of course we know this particular scenario is not found in Scripture, but the song has a message.  As a Talents Coach and Life Encourager, this song has touched me since childhood, as a message to use our G-d given talents to honor our Creator and His Son, our Messiah.  The Little Drummer Boy did his best and his reward was a smile from Messiah.  Some may consider it a stretch, but I want to use all the talents our Creator has bestowed upon me for His glory, that one day I might see Messiah smile and say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

The second editorial comment is in reference to the video, "You are Enough."  I found myself quite torn as I watched.  This is not a theological piece, just a nice tribute to some very special ladies.  I wept in both sadness and joy.  Sadness for those of us who live feeling we are not enough, and joy for those who are blessed to hear and know they are enough for those they love.  And with this video, came the sweet tears of gratitude, to know, regardless of what others say or don't say, feel or don't feel, in Messiah . . . we are enough.

Also . . . Rascal Flatts, be blessed.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Words by NFL Pro Benjamin Watson

At some point while I was playing or preparing to play Monday Night Football, the news broke about the Ferguson Decision. After trying to figure out how I felt, I decided to write it down. Here are my thoughts:
I'M ANGRY because the stories of injustice that have been passed down for generations seem to be continuing before our very eyes.
I'M FRUSTRATED, because pop culture, music and movies glorify these types of police citizen altercations and promote an invincible attitude that continues to get young men killed in real life, away from safety movie sets and music studios.
I'M FEARFUL because in the back of my mind I know that although I'm a law abiding citizen I could still be looked upon as a "threat" to those who don't know me. So I will continue to have to go the extra mile to earn the benefit of the doubt.
I'M EMBARRASSED because the looting, violent protests, and law breaking only confirm, and in the minds of many, validate, the stereotypes and thus the inferior treatment.
I'M SAD, because another young life was lost from his family, the racial divide has widened, a community is in shambles, accusations, insensitivity hurt and hatred are boiling over, and we may never know the truth about what happened that day.
I'M SYMPATHETIC, because I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what happened. Maybe Darren Wilson acted within his rights and duty as an officer of the law and killed Michael Brown in self defense like any of us would in the circumstance. Now he has to fear the backlash against himself and his loved ones when he was only doing his job. What a horrible thing to endure. OR maybe he provoked Michael and ignited the series of events that led to him eventually murdering the young man to prove a point.
I'M OFFENDED, because of the insulting comments I've seen that are not only insensitive but dismissive to the painful experiences of others.
I'M CONFUSED, because I don't know why it's so hard to obey a policeman. You will not win!!! And I don't know why some policeman abuse their power. Power is a responsibility, not a weapon to brandish and lord over the populace.
I'M INTROSPECTIVE, because sometimes I want to take "our" side without looking at the facts in situations like these. Sometimes I feel like it's us against them. Sometimes I'm just as prejudiced as people I point fingers at. And that's not right. How can I look at white skin and make assumptions but not want assumptions made about me? That's not right.
I'M HOPELESS, because I've lived long enough to expect things like this to continue to happen. I'm not surprised and at some point my little children are going to inherit the weight of being a minority and all that it entails.
I'M HOPEFUL, because I know that while we still have race issues in America, we enjoy a much different normal than those of our parents and grandparents. I see it in my personal relationships with teammates, friends and mentors. And it's a beautiful thing.
I'M ENCOURAGED, because ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem. SIN is the reason we rebel against authority. SIN is the reason we abuse our authority. SIN is the reason we are racist, prejudiced and lie to cover for our own. SIN is the reason we riot, loot and burn. BUT I'M ENCOURAGED because God has provided a solution for sin through the his son Jesus and with it, a transformed heart and mind. One that's capable of looking past the outward and seeing what's truly important in every human being. The cure for the Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner tragedies is not education or exposure. It's the Gospel. So, finally, I'M ENCOURAGED because the Gospel gives mankind hope.