The first article written for the Goshen Gazette was entitled,
"Data Deluge." In this age of information, many find themselves drowning in information overload, while others continue to choose only one source. Those who choose a single source of information usually seem to already have their mind made up and are simply seeking confirmation to their own perspective. Those of us who truly seek unbiased information, just the facts; continually find that there is much sorting to be done.
Earlier this week, I received a vision. It was such an overwhelming vision, I began to literally sort through papers and folders in my office . . . In my vision, I was in the middle of my office, sitting cross legged on the floor. There were my three spiral notebooks, two small notepads, and a couple of mechanical pencils; all which I use regularly. My head covering was large and draped around me, almost like a tallit. Surrounding me with my notebooks, however; were stacks and piles and boxes of papers, books, folders, and magazines. There were also loose papers scattered everywhere and old VHS tapes in the corner by the bookshelf that was completely full, beyond capacity. Many of the boxes were stacked higher than my head and the only true clearing in the room was the small space directly in front of me where my personal notebooks sat on the floor. The scene was so overwhelming, it literally triggered my claustrophobia.
I had only one piece of information about this situation. Each of those papers, books, folders, and magazines contained a nugget of truth. Some were delightfully direct and clearly obvious, while others went on for pages, before I found the nugget of truth. Fortunately the "truths" were circled in red ink, but it still required sifting through each piece of information. One book, particularly, stood out. The title was circled on the front cover. I went through every page of that book, to discover nothing more was circled. Thankfully, the vision ended before I had gone through all the papers and books.
I'd like to say the vision came to a clear and concise conclusion, but it didn't. I was led, however; to II Timothy 4 as soon as I arose from the vision. The reminder that three different men of G-d in three different cities through the years, have called me out, laid hands on me and have all spoken the first few verses of this passage over me, poured over and rose up in me. More than ever, I am determined to publish many sources of accurate information, while proclaiming the Word of Truth. As I thought of the vision, and the first article for the Goshen Gazette, a memory troubled me. The warning I tried to sound through the flood of 1993 went virtually unheeded. These are serious times we are living in and the truth has to be simple and clear. Messiah clearly stated in Matthew 24:29, he'd be returning immediately after the tribulation. Headlines indicate the tribulation may be getting under way very soon!
I charge thee therefore before G-d, and the Lord Y'hshuah Messiah, who shall judge
the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort
with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their
own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto
fables. But watch thou in all things . . .