Sunday, April 27, 2014

We Were Waiting

In this situation in Nevada, most of us knew it was only a matter of time, until some distraction was introduced.  Seriously, I expect more creativity out of progressives!   The race card, again?  I had no sooner finished the article in Contemplation, when I was fortunate enough to view a letter, a video, and an interview with one of Mr. Bundy's body guards.

When the BLM first invaded the Bundy ranch, I had to seriously search to find articles in mainstream media about the situation, but once the race card got played, it's all over mainstream!  I refuse to name call, and I was disgusted by the term "lamestream" media the first time I heard it, but it does seem clear in this coverage that mainstream media has a purpose other than reporting factual news.

I saw a meme that proudly stated animal cruelty is a felony in all 50 states.  What about a mass grave of cattle in Nevada?  What about running them to death or near death?  What about shooting prize bulls, just because they belong to a specific individual?  Isn't that animal cruelty?

The fact that this original incident divided the people the way it did, but not with enough emotion, troubles me.  I know I stated that concern in another article, but this bears repeating.  The unpaid land use tax is reportedly in dispute of over $800,000.00  One report says Mr. Bundy owes over 1M dollars, another reports $200,000.  My guess, since this is presented to divide us to the extreme, the actual amount is somewhere between the two figures that have been reported.  Once the amount is actually determined, an unpaid tax is handled with a lien, or as was first stated, the sale of some cattle at auction to pay it.  Dead cattle do not sell well at an auction.  The fact that BLM chose to go in with guns blazing is clear indication our land is not under good management.

Once the amount owed, if there actually is an amount owed; is determined, the assessed sale price of what would have been good livestock now dead, should be deducted from that bill, since that was the stated purpose for the invasion and rounding up of the cattle.  All of that is a ways down the road, now that it has been handled so ineptly.

The fact of the matter is, Cliven Bundy's views on race affect all of our lives much less than gay rights or the mandated affordable health care act.  The government is down to bluffing and bullying as they have tipped their hand by playing the race card.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Point in Being Lost in Partisan Politics

While opinions regarding the Bundy ranch are being determined by sheer political leaning, I believe a larger issue is being swept away unnoticed.  I am neither democrat nor republican, although I once was a registered democrat, but since my citizenship is in G-d's Kingdom, I no longer participate in the election process.  I used to participate on every level from local to primary to general, but I haven't voted since 2002.  I saw a lot I didn't want to see that year, and certainly do not want to have to revisit any of those lessons!  But this article isn't about my politics, it's about "we the people" becoming so politically divided, we are being conquered and we don't even see it.  Many folks in this country hold their politics right up with their religion or anti-religion.  Those who speak of "G-d and country" often mean it literally!  Many people take their "patriotism religiously!"  While those who speak against religion usually touting tolerance, are quite vocal in their intolerance of other's beliefs.

Politics is dividing us!  I have to check myself to not be offended by both sides of any argument.  What I once thought were free thinkers, all sound the same, and it all sounds like programmed sound bytes.  The citizens of America are being divided and conquered and the few people who are still trying to be self-sustaining or independent are being labelled extremists, dissidents, or terrorists.  The land is being claimed and stolen from the taxpayers just as it was from the Native Americans in the early history of this country.

In this section of the Goshen Gazette, I always include mainstream sources regarding a current issue.  This week's publication is not exactly covering the Bundy ranch, per se, but rather we are covering the coverage of what transpired.  For those who just make a list of right or left check marks, this information won't be of interest, but for those with eyes to see, this particular incident is clearly reported to play to presumptuous political bias.

Remember, there are people in this country, who adamantly insist that they receive their news from only one source.   Please, I would ask our readers to read and view the reports of this situation by both mainstream sources.  To watch and read past the political programming and see what it truly happening in our own country.  While the situation in Nevada was making headlines, ranches in Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas were facing the same circumstances.  Also included in this section, is an independent article regarding the plans for the Conservation Center for the Desert Tortoise.  In reading that article, I couldn't help but wonder how much of the funding to bully the ranchers could have been better used to save the turtles.

The cattle ranches and herds are the lowest they've been since 1951 and beef is higher than it's ever been.  How will driving ranchers from their homes and land, and killing cattle really help Americans?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

BLM vs. Bundy

In following the situation in Nevada, it's clear that the BLM has not conceded.  As soon as I saw the headlines that BLM was leaving, it was obvious they would return.

As America continues to decline, we'll see much more of this.  Federal land is America's collateral in the world economy.  There aren't a lot of countries with land masses that exceed the US, while also having a great deal of moderate climate.  American land is prime, and federal land can be mortgaged by an indebted nation.

As a believer, I've given some serious thought to where I'll draw the line when it comes to rebellion and resistance.  I look to the book of Daniel for what I believe to be the proper recourse.  Those three Hebrew boys that were thrown in to the fiery furnace didn't resist the authority, they simply refused the mandate to bow down to an idol, and they faced the consequences of that decision.  Same with Daniel, he wouldn't pray to the king, and he wouldn't stop praying, so he found himself facing a den of hungry lions.  He, like the others walked out, unscathed.  I'd like to believe I'd stand as boldly and face the consequences of taking that stand, but I don't know for sure.  I'd also like to think if I did, I'd walk right on through the consequences, but not all of the servants of YHWH did survive the consequences of their bold stand.  YHWH's will be done.

Since Messiah admonished Peter for using violence, even to defend Him, I'm thinking armed resistance is not the Will of our Father for me, either.  I know "the powers that be" will use Romans 13:1-2 authoritatively, I've already heard that.  All I need to determine in this is where my faith stands with my Heavenly Father.  I don't believe I am to physically or violently resist the Sovereign earthly authority, but rather simply and boldly refuse to bow down.  On a side note, here, I'd much rather be "taken out quickly" as taken into captivity, but I don't think that's my decision to make, either.

I do know, even if I'm not planning to resist or rebel against the authorities, I do plan to protect this place from those without authority.  Anyone who claims to be on the side not of the New World Order best be getting the preparation done, and as for having heard, already, many have had visions of finding the supplies of others for their own use.  If I'm still standing, that won't be the case here, in the Land of Goshen.  I'll share according the visions I've been given and the Word I hear.

As the situation continues to unfold in Nevada, what we watch happen to Cliven Bundy is also taking place in other states, and will continue to take place throughout this country . . .